Hope farm a Job That Leaders wildlife-friendly farming
Hope Farm is not a nature reserve but a commercial plantation
That shows agricultural advisors what can be done to boost wildlife on other farms. Visitors can explore the website by following the people footpaths marked on the map and on the floor. The RSPB started managing the 181 hectares of farmland in 2000 and has since seen a steady growth in the amount of arable farmland birds.
- The hedgerows are cut I three years to promote more berries on the bushes, which bring winter thrushes like Redwing and Fieldfare, and during the nesting season Yellowhammer and Whitethroat.
- By keeping places ofwet, ground during the breeding seasons, these areas encourage the earthworms to remain close to the surface, thus providing sustenance for birds such as Song Thrush. The river brings a number ofinsects which in turn entices
Reed Bunting, Yellow Wagtailand young Lapwing. - Therotatingwinterbird seed aquariums atract flocks of Goldfinches, many varieties ofbunting, Linnet and Yellowhammer.
Resident Bam Owls could be seen in the evenings. New species that have recently arrived at Hope Farminclude Grey Partridges and Yellow Wagtail, and Lapwings began nesting in 2006, after a local ofland was set aside especially for this purpose. The uncropped borders around the fields provide safe nesting habitats for Grey Partridges.
Four species of bat can be found here, including Daubenton’s Bat.

• Corn Bunting
•Reed Bunting
•Grey Partridge
• Jackdaw
• Lapwing
•Sky Lark

CB23 4NW (parking)
GRID REF: TL334 629 (parking)
MAPS: OS Explorer 225, OS Landranger 154 PARKING: Knapwell Church
TERRAIN: Tracks, may be muddy and uneven
ACCESSIBILITY: Access by public footpaths only, see map. Open all year round FACILITIES: None