Herein, the synthesis of an amino-acid-based di-block copolymer (di-BCP) in-between an L-glutamic acid-5-benzyl ester and L-aspartic acid-4-benzyl ester [(L-GluA-5-BE)-b-(L-AspA-4-BE)] has been reported. Interestingly, the synthesized [(L-GluA-5-BE)-b-(L-AspA-4-BE)] has been used to design nanoflower capsules (NFCs) with surface-functionalized nanoflakes and petals. Notably, the simple solvent propanol has been used as a dispersing medium for the di-BCP-based powder to observe morphology of NFCs. Consequently, di-BCP-basedNFCs show changes in morphology with different temperature conditions, i.e., at 10, 25 and 37 °C. Furthermore, the average thickness of the surface-functionalized nanopetals has been calculated as 324 nm (in diameter). Similarly, the average distance between petals is calculated as 3.6 mm and the pore depth is 21 nm. Furthermore, NFCs were used to evaluate the loading efficacy of drugs andshowed 78% of the PTX loading. Moreover, NFCs showed 74% drug release atphysiological body temperature. Thus, NFCs showed remarkable release at acidicpH medium. However, PTX released from NFCs showed greater cell inhibition (i.e., 79%) with anincrease of the PTX concentration after 24 h incubation over HeLa (humanepithelial cervical cancer) cells. Besides, PTX released from NFC showedsignificant (34%) cell killing capacity. Such promising NFCs are recommendedfor breast, liver, and lung cancer therapeutics.
Key words: Block copolymers, nanoflowers, thermosensitive,pH-responsive

Herein,the mechanistic approach to understand the characteristic properties of deadliest virus (COVID19) has been corroborated. The size, shape, morphology of nano-sized (160-200 nm, in diameter) virus along with crucial role of spikes(length ~10 nm) and formulation of its internal net-work entanglement has been explored in detail. The fragmented ssRNA further make duplicate template copies through the mutations which lead to increase in population density of virus uncountable. The inflamed sacs of lungs will not allow the exchange of gases and ultimately lead to pneumonia/SARS-CoV2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome of coronavirus). The glycoprotein of spike spindles fuses the surface of lungcells through the binding affinity and slow down the activity of antibodies/receptors. The inflammation caused because of replicated complex of virus blocks the passage of gases O2 (oxygen), CO2(carbon dioxide) which lead to severe cough and respiratory problems. This unusual phenomenon of pneumonia leads to death. Further, a massive computing isneeded to understand the exact detrimental consequences of COVID19. Suchmechanistic approach can help the scientists and researchers to design and development of drug or vaccine to overcome from the horrific pneumonia.
Key words: Covid-19, mechanistic approach ,detrimental consequences, vaccine, pneumonia

Herein, the amino-acid based glycine (Gly) solubility in different solvents (ethanol, pyridine and n-hexane) exhibited striking interlocking behavior with mesoporoussilica nanoparticles (MP-SiO2NPs) has been reported and discussed in detail. The synthesis of MP-SiO2NPs carried out employing the modified Stober’s ‘Sol-Gel’ method. The yielded MP-SiO2NPs size ranges from ~20-80nm, with an average particle size of ca.36 nm. The morphology of Gly bound with MP-SiO2NPs was analyzed through electron microscopic imaging (SEM, TEM), followed by characterizations(BET, PXRD, DSC, TGA, EDAX) in various solvents. Interestingly, Gly dissolved in particular solvents demonstrated remarkable binding and interlocking properties with the well-dispersed MP-SiO2NPs to form a foamy surface. The developed [(Gly)-(MPSiO2NPs)] based aggregate is stable at room temperature (~25 °C). Further, developed [(Gly)-(MP-SiO2NPs)]aggregate used to load the anticancer drug (DOX) and it shows ~80% loading efficacy. Whereas, the DOX release from [(Gly)-(MP-SiO2NPs)] is calculated as ~59% after 24 hrs. The designed nanoformulation [(Gly)-(MP-SiO2NPs)]aggregate along with DOX shows significant inhibition (i.e. 74%) on K562 (chronic myeloid leukemia) blood cancer cells. Such low-density foamy materials are believed to be utilized in industrial and pharmaceutical applications.
Key words: Solvent-assisted, mesoporoussilica, aggregate, drug loading, cancer therapy

Herein, the synthesis and characterization of ideal size(10 and 40 nm, in diameter) AuNPs (gold nanoparticles) were reported. Two different organic solvents such as DMF (dimethyl formamide)and NMPL (N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone) were used to synthesize AuNPs along with agents reducing agents such as NaBH4 (sodium borohydrate) and Na3C6H5O7(sodium citrate). The combination of [(HAuCl4)–(DMF)–(NaBH4)]gives AuNPs with an avg. size of 10.2 nm. Similarly, the combination of [(HAuCl4)–(NMPL)–(Na3C6H5O7)]gives AuNPs with an avg. size of 40.4 nm. The morphology of these nanoscaleAuNPs has been characterized through TEM and HRTEM imaging followed by SAED for lattice parameters such as d-spacing value (2.6°A/0.26 nm) of crystalline metal (Au) nanoparticles. Further, these unique and ideal nanoscale AuNPs were used to evaluate the potential working efficacy by using in vitro cell based studies onK562 (leukemia) blood cancer cells. From the MTT assay results around 88% cell inhibition was measured for 10 nm sized AuNPs. The treated cells were stained with different fluorescent dyes such as FITC, DAPI, Rho-6G and their ruptured morphology has been reported in the respective sections. These types of ideal sized metal (Au) nanoparticles are recommended for various theranostics such as to cure breast, colon, lung and liver cancers.
Key words: AuNPs, solvent effect on size, inhibition, nanoformulation

Herein, the various polymer properties and the underlying mechanism for the functionalization and surface modification of polymer nanoparticles have been discussed. There are numerous polymer particles designed and developed for various applications. The synthesis and characterization of different types of polymers followed by the engineering of nanoparticles and capsules depend on various factors. There are too many polymerization methods approached for the development of nanoparticles with desired surface properties. The ring-opening polymerization (ROP), emulsion polymerization (EP), atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), and free radical micro initiation are the significant approaches for the polymerization reactions. The polymer nanoparticle functionalization and modification of their surfaces based on requirements is an essential task. The solvent concentration, pH, temperature, and sonication have played a vital role to tune the morphology of polymer nanoparticles and capsules. Different characterizations such as FTIR, NMR (1H and 13C), HRMS, and MALDI-TOF are used for preliminary structural and confirmations. Further, SEM, FE-SEM, TEM, AFM, BET, XRD, Raman, EDAX, TGA-DSC, DLS, and zeta potential were used for morphological and thermal properties

We report on the different types of polymers followed by the synthesis and design and development of nanoparticles and capsules. The surface modification and functionalization with active functional groups has been deliberated in the respective sections.