Loch of kinnordyrspb anticipate the unexpected at this migrant hotspot
The RSPB has handled the reserve here in Kinnordy for the Lyle Estate. It is put on one of Scotland’s error lines, used by birds migration, therefore anything can develop, as the past records show.

- Kinnordy is a superb place to begin your trip to Angus. The Vehicle
Park here includes a combination of trees surrounding it, together with the prospect of warblers and even Crossbill. The first two hides provide you with the chance of a mixture of species. - After noted for its 6,000 pairs of Black-headed Gulls, the numbers now are way down on that figure, with changes in water levels and especially agriculture eliminating the insects the qulls feed . New additions include Marsh Harrier and Bearded Tit, which were enlarged away from the big Tay populations.
Bitterns are also seen together with numerous eqrets. Ihe book was once famed for its density of breeding ducks, but with the decline of the gulls they have also diminished. - A third conceal provides you with the chance of fishing Osprey, together with even Otters present. The fish here are confined to Pike and Perch feeding on themselves. In fact the gull chicks were eaten from the Pike and if they were flooded out it was the ducklings that suffered! Winter brings in large amounts of Teal and Wigeon, along with Mallard, Gadwall and Tufted Duck. Goldeneye and Goosander are available and the book was the first location of breeding Ruddy Duck in Scotland, sadly now removed.
- Not yet eliminated are the Tbeavers.What a joy it would have been to have them here back in 1979 when l was the warden here!There is mass of willow andAlder for the beavers to enhance this wetland,however the route back to Kirriemuir does flood sometimes !
- Down a lane the side of this book is perfect for looking for migrants,with both Great Grey Shrike and Yellow Wagtail found here.Waders utilize the place to feed,and species like Wood Sandpiper,Black-tailed Godwit and Ruff have been seen.
- Egno Moss was once a fantastic Oplace for breeding ducks,but is ideal for searching for Grasshopper Warbler and Stonechat along with blended pipits and wagtails.

Evening is a great time to visit, with the chance of both Otter and even beaver.
MAPS OS Explorer 381, OS Landranger 53
PARKING: The main car park is off the Kirriemuir to Airlie B951 TERRAIN All paths to the hides are well covered with hardcore ACCESS All year round FACILITIES Everything you need is in Kirremuir

- Hen Harrier
- Buzzard
- Goldeneye
- Teal
- Mallard
- Wigeon
- Stonechat
- Bittern
- Coot
- Moorhen
- Marsh Harrier
- Bearded Tit
- Reed Warbler
- Sedge Warbler
- Grasshopper Warbler
- Garganey
- Shoveler
- Osprey
- Black-headed Gull
- Water Rail