How is it possible to back that the B-17 Flying Fortress into a parking space from within the cockpit?

The Boeing B-17 bomber is a four-engine taildragger that doesn’t have reversible-pitch propellers. So, is it possible to back the Flying Fortress to a parking space from within the cockpit? The No. No and 1. 4 engines are outboard of their respective left and right main landing-gear wheels. So, the pilot locks that the left brake and applies power to the left outboard engine, causing the airplane to pivot on the left tire and forcing the right tire to roll aft. The pilot subsequently employs right brake and adds power to the ideal outboard engine, which causes the left tire to roll aft. By switching No. 1 and No. 4 engine power, and left and right wheel brakes, the pilot could”walk” the entire plane backward.